Tuesday, 28 August 2007

hello world

well, this is my very first blog....and now i'm a little unsure of what to write! after reading various blogs on blogger i thought i could give it a go and use it to keep in touch with my friends!
i suppose blogging could be considered quite vain...making an assumption that anyone else in the world gives a damn about what i've got to say, but hey, no loss if no one wants to read it!

but a little bit about me, so you can tell if you hate me without wasting any more time......
  • i love good food, namely cheese, bread and dark chocolate & love going out for good food.
  • i'm technically a grown up but can't get enough of bad tv like will & grace, lost (oh jack!) , 24 (oh jack!!), heroes, the O.C. & could watch my box sets of Sex & the city again and again and again! there's also something strangely addictive about americas/britains next top model! maybe its all the bitching!
  • i live with my long-suffering boyfriend A, and we can't wait to buy a house in the country! Rural ideal here i come!
  • i am soo materialistic but an environmentalist too!
  • i can't stand rude people- politeness costs nothing, and actually, neither does education, so i include ignorence with rudeness as something that grates me!
  • if i were any more relaxed i'd be dead

yeah, so thats me!

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